What have we been up to? Well, it has been crazy here. Scottie quit nursing back in July 2023. The same month we sold our memory care home. He was a nurse for 6 years. He was a travel nurse for all of 2020 which catapulted our financials. When he came back we went ham on investing. We finished our second live in flip, got that rented, bought our 3rd live in flip, a 1/2 acre compound. It's a beautiful chaos. Where Scottie bought 4 chickens, now we have a mini highpark and a mini pony.

We are zoned to have 2 large livestock and 20 chickens. My obsession with colored eggs became a fun and expensive hobby. I would barter with the community and then I eventually got all the licensing, inspections, and permits to legally sell eggs. During this process I wanted to have an egg stand and one thing lead to another. Just to have an egg stand legally you have to apply for a special use permit. Which I am in queue to get. Praying my meeting with the county commissioners goes well.
We also offer cow cuddles/steer snuggle experience to the community and its been such a joy to provide such a random unique experience to Las Vegas. We are fully licensed and insured and once our special use permit gets approved we can offer this on site at our home. Which would be so much easier on Johnny Cash.
Since we are zoned to have livestock, God has been tugging at my heart to start a mini farm homestead and open it up to the community. So I have been trying to get our backyard ready for 2025 if and when we can possibly open.
Scottie and I also got our real estate licenses because we love real estate so much. We figured we can tap into that part of the business. It's been a rough couple of months since we got licensed. Not going to lie, I thought it would be easier but it is a grind. Plus having the mini farm and teenagers is like a whole other era I am trying to navigate and learn. There is no manual instructions on how to raise teenagers and being first generation livestock owners, is wild! Lol!
So in a nutshell, our live in flip turned into an accidental mini farm homestead. LOL!
I'll blog more, haven't done this in a while. Cheers!