My first Missions Trip to the Philippines in 2016. I remember my ankles got so swollen there, the Doctors thought I had gout, but I came back and got tests done and found out I had Lupus, SLE.
I filmed, directed and edited this tithing testimony of Denise and Shane. <3
I only filmed this tithing testimony of Margie because I didn't have time to edit it. Someone from the multi media ministry helped edit. :)
I filmed, directed and edited this tithing testimony of Nick. This is Scottie's BFF. Business Friend Forever.
I edited this missions trip and filmed the testimonies. I wasn't able to go on this mission. But hopefully next time. :)
My second missions trip, Scottie's first. This was hands down one of the best experiences of my life. One day I would love to bring my boys so they can meet these kids. They all stole my heart.
I filmed, directed and edited this testimony. I bought a drone just to get some shots but was so scared to fly that sucker cuz it was expensive and didn't want to lose it or break it.
I filmed, directed and edited this FPU testimony of Jake and Mechelle. <3
I filmed, directed and edited this FPU testimony of Herman and Margie. I added in Dave Ramseys clip in the beginning. <3
I filmed, directed and edited this FPU testimony of Sarah. I loved how she was able to buy her first home and learned how to save money at such a young age.
This was one of my favotires to film and edit because I was given full creative ability to recreate a video. I loved how it turned out. :)
This is prolly one of my favorite videos I filmed and edited because of the creativity of water baptism. I want to remake this for sure!