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Podcasts, Books & Shows  

     (P, B & S)


The Secret was one of the best books/documentaries that changed our mindset. Thanks to my Aunty Lynda who introduced us to this. I watched it with Scottie right after I lost my Mom and it has forever changed the way we think. I highly recommend this if you want to get out of that negative mindset. We also do vision boards because of this book and when we achieve something that we put on that board we always trip out that we were able to do it.

Rating: 10/10 - Jeanalin 


The Queen herself, Oprah, has taught and inspired me throughout my life. I love how she came from nothing and built her empire. She gives back, she's always positive and she has good vibes all the time. 

P.S. Right after my Mom passed away I wrote into Oprah's show Lifeclass and Scottie and I won tickets to her New York taping. We we're gonna ask questions with Deepak Chopra but time ran out. But I wasn't even mad, being in the same room as her and soaking in her wisdom was such an amazing experience. 

Rating: 10/10 - Jeanalin 

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The man who helped us get out of debt... Dave Ramsey! We started listening to him while Scottie was in the Marine Corps but never really took it seriously until we decided to get out the military. In 2013 we got out and looked at our finances... OMG! We had $104,000 in debt. Which included my student loans, two car loans and 3 credit cards.


We decided to take Dave Ramsey seriously if we wanted to survive the outside world. So we went after our debt like a gazelle and did the debt snowball. At the time I was a cocktail server and Scott was going to school using the GI Bill so we had to learn and budget. In 2015 we got to meet Dave at his Entreleadership course in Vegas and we we're so thrilled. 

In 2017 we paid off $104,000 in debt, we traded in our fancy cars for cars we can own outright and attacked my student loans and credit card debt with gazelle intensity. Since this plan helped us get out of debt, we decided to teach Financial Peace University at our church. It was a huge success. Scottie and his BFF Nick were the main coordinators.



<------  Here is a few testimonies I produced.  

Dave Ramsey Rating: 7/10: To be honest and transparent we don't follow Dave Ramsey as much as we used to because he plays it safe. However, it is an extremely effective way to get out of debt. Scottie and I look at assets and liabilities differently from Dave and started to invest our money rather than pay our mortgage off. But whenever someone is new to learning about money we always direct them to Dave Ramsey. Then we tell them to read Rich Dad Poor Dad, lol! - Scott & Jeanalin


The same week Scottie got into nursing school was the same week he started to read Rich Dad Poor Dad. He told me he wanted to drop out of school. My mouth dropped. Lol! I was like, what?!?! Who does that???

This book made him realize that he didn't want to be an employee anymore. So this is where our entrepreneur spirit really started to kick in. He ended up finishing nursing school and At the time, I was doing side gigs for photography to make extra income to help pay for my mission trip to the Philippines and working full time at Zappos. After I got back from my trip I decided to give this book a read. I was intrigued. This book really changed my mindset. 

So now, we're on a journey to our FIRE movement. This book lit that flame for us. I highly recommend this read if you are wanting to learn about liabilities and assets from a different perspective. 

Rating: 10/10 - Jeanalin 


After Scottie and I looked at our bills we tried to find ways to reduce wasteful spending. So what did we do... we cut our cable bill. OMG that was the hardest thing to do because I love my reality shows. Scotttie loved his news. Haha! I always had HGTV on. But my guilty pleasure is that I love The Kardashians and The Real Housewives franchise, specifically Beverly Hills, Orange County, Dallas and Jersey. I literally had withdrawals from not watching t.v. anymore. LMFAO! 

But since we cut out cable our lives has changed. For the better! We noticed we were so much more productive with our time. We started to listen to audio books, podcasts and got ish done that we've been wanting to get done. Scottie stumbled upon Bigger Pockets and wanted to dip into real estate because of Rich Dad Poor Dad. He would purposely listen to them loud while I was around so I could listen too. LOL! Well it worked.  

I love the flow of their podcast and what they talked about. Who they interviewed and how everyone was at one point where we were... lost and tired of being broke. After listening to their podcast for about 6 months we were so ready to start dipping into real estate.

In November 2018 we met Alex Felice, after hearing him on the BP podcasts and hearing he lived in Las Vegas, I reached out. Alex hosts a monthly meet up the group it's known as Desert Rat Real Estate it consist of entrepreneurs, investors and inspiring entrepreneurs/investors.


We bought a townhome in 2014 and sold it Jan 2019. We made a nice amount on it and wanted to invest. - Jeanalin


I love Christy Wright and her view points on faith, business and encouraging women. She is my spirit animal and I binge listen to her podcast for inspiration and for motivation. I highly reccomend her podcast. Hopefully one day I can go to her Business Boutique Conference in Nashville and meet her. Just speaking it into existance. - Jeanalin

Rating: 10/10


I love Christy Wright and her view points on faith, business and encouraging women. She is my spirit animal and I binge listen to her podcast for inspiration and for motivation. I highly reccomend her podcast. Hopefully one day I can go to her Business Boutique Conference in Nashville and meet her. Just speaking it into existance. - Jeanalin

Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins is hands down the most inspirational book I have ever read so far. He is a beast and helps you train your mind. I highly recommend it. Scottie and I call eachother, Jeana/Scottie Goggins whenever we need motivation. -Jeanalin

Rating: 10/10

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