In April I pulled the trigger to buy Scottie and I VIP tickets to The Limitless Expo. Scott got so mad at me for buying his ticket because he didn’t want to spend money. But it’s been a while since we went to a conference, and we needed one to keep our fire lit. Leading up to the conference, Scottie was kinda mad at me for spending so much, haha! But he said he’ll have an open mind until after the conference to really share how he feels.
So grateful that Lisa shared that she will be one of the speakers and when she said who else was speaking… I was sold. Ha-ha! I am a sucker for learning and paying for conferences because you get so much out of them, and they help push you. They also allow you to meet other like-minded people.
Pit: Not being able to network as much as I wanted. Being an ambivert which is 50% introverted and 50% extroverted, I have a hard time carrying a conversation with people I meet. But I'm working on it. Scottie is a full on an introvert so both of us going to networking events is hard because I will feed off his introvertedness. Lol!

When we got to the expo, the lady at the counter printed my name tag and all our business names wouldn’t fit… so on the fly I said, ohh can you put Future Sugar Mama on mine and Sugar Daddy on Scott’s. LMFAO! She laughed and I laughed because I was kidding then I was like wait a minute.. that’s genius because if people see it, they will ask about it. So, it was a fun conversation starter. When people saw it, they laughed and had to ask about the story behind “Sugar Daddy” and “Future Sugar Mama” Then Scottie or I would open up with all the thangs we're up to and then we would ask what brought them to Limitless, what they do, and etc.
Peak: Knowing Scottie did not regret spending the money on this conference. Every night Scottie and I would reflect on the pit and the peak of each day, and I feel doing these conferences together actually brings us closer together. It was a nice mini getaway. Thanks to our friend, Linda! She watched our boys and mini farm while we were out.

Peak: Meeting Thach Nguyen and getting access to his coaching program. What surprised me was his talk and how fucken awesome he is. Like seriously, we were not expecting to buy a coaching program, but our next move is to buy another home and add an ADU. Or add an ADU at our current house. Knowing that he helps guide you through that process and you get access to his community, was the reason why Scottie had no hesitation to go for it. I was surprised that Scottie was willing to buy a coaching program, but I know he too resonated with Thach’s story. The program is lifetime access for both Scottie and I. There is a Vegas group with about 20 people and there are over 3,000 students world wide.

Peak: Meeting others in the industry and increasing our network. Since covid, we have been introverts and hardly went to networking events. So, I told myself this year was going to be the year where I step out of my comfort zone and go to events and show up. We also got to hang out with others from Vegas and meet a handful of others.

There’s so many more peaks and awesome stories to share but I will save that for in real life conversations, haha!
Limitless Expo VIP Price for 2 people and using 10% off from Lisa's code: $6839.84
Hotel: $1353.59
Tesla Charge: $96.39
Food/Drinks Spent: $306.51
Thach’s Spring Board To Wealth Coaching Program: $6,000
Total Spent: $14,596.33
How we paid: Using our business investment savings
Also, holy shit!!!! Do not show this to Scottie, haha! JK! But was it worth it?!?!? Heck yes! We expanded our network and finally got to meet a legend, Robert Kiyosaki.
How we paid for it: paid with my Chase Visa Card, we specifically use this credit card and pay it off 2 times per month, so it does not affect my credit score. We also use this card to get the travel points or electronics. Please be sure to pay your credit card off so you do not have to pay the interest. We used our business investment savings to pay for the whole experience. We also talked to a CPA if we could write this conference off and they said, yes. It’s considered a business expense. Which is so true, it really is. Haha! I’ll let ya’ll know next year how all this tax stuff works and if we're able to truly write off the whole experience.
My goal for all of you is to go out there, do things that make you uncomfortable and just do it. I'm already looking forward to going next year and keeping in touch with those we met at the conference.